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Improving Brain Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Everyone deserves a life with the healthiest brain possible. In an ongoing effort to help public health leaders serving American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities address brain health acros...
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AIM Supports Congressional Champions in Re-Election Bids
Throughout their political careers, Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Patty Murray (D-WA) have been steadfast leaders in the fight to...
AIM Blog
Your Vote Matters in the Fight to End Alzheimer's
In 1845 Congress passed a federal law designating the first Tuesday, following the first Monday in November, as Election Day...
AIM Blog
Honoring an Alzheimer's Champion
As those living with Alzheimer's disease know, the disease is devastating not just on the individual but also on their...
AIM Blog
My Tuesday with Tim and Mike
Tuesday morning I received an urgent text. I had a ticket to the Vice Presidential debate and I had only...
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AIM Needs Your Voice in the Next Presidential Debate
Alzheimer's disease continues to be a rising issue in the 2016 election thanks to the tireless work of advocates across...
AIM Blog
The Research Speaks, but Will Congress Listen in its Fight Against Alzheimer's Disease
This content was co-authored by Maria C. Carrillo, PhD, Chief Science Officer of the Alzheimer's Association, and Robert Egge, Chief...