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Improving Brain Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Everyone deserves a life with the healthiest brain possible. In an ongoing effort to help public health leaders serving American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities address brain health acros...
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AIM Blog
Alzheimer's Research: Where We've Failed and What's to Come
Alzheimer's disease is a rapidly growing public health crisis. Today an estimated 5.4 million Americans live with the disease and...
AIM Blog
Looking Ahead to the Trump Administration and the 115th Congress
As I mentioned in my election day post, 2016 was a terrific year for our cause. Building on historic Alzheimer's...
AIM Blog
Campaign 2016 - The Year Alzheimer's Became a Campaign Trail Priority
Well tonight is the night. After what may have been the longest presidential campaign in our nation's history - and...
Press Release
Medicare to Pay for Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease
WASHINGTON, D.C., November 3, 2016 - The Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) is celebrating the final decision by the Centers for...
Press Release
AIM Supports Senator Blunt's Re-Election for His Commitment in the Fight to End Alzheimer's
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 29, 2016 - In appreciation and acknowledgement of Senator Roy Blunt's (R-MO) continued leadership in the fight...
Press Release
AIM Thanks Senator Murray for Her Commitment in the Fight to End Alzheimer's
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 29, 2016 - In recognition and appreciation of Senator Patty Murray's (D-WA) efforts in the fight to...